Product Description
What is it about? Empowerment Training is a guide for professional animal trainers to promoting behavioural well-being in companion animals by conditioning for empowerment. It brings together a vast body of research on topics related to empowerment and general behavioural well-being, summarizing the research findings and providing practical rehabilitation strategies and tactics. It presents a triadic model of empowerment, rehabilitate disempowered companion animals and contribute to allowing the best possible experience in life.
Who wrote it? James O' Heare
More about James- James OHeare, CABC, is president of The Companion Animal Sciences Institute, Director of the Association of Animal Behaviour Professionals, editor of the Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behaviour and owner of Behave tech publishing. James has studied the natural science and technology of behaviour extensively and has written multiple books on the subject, which have sold throughout the world. James has been helping companion animal guardians resolve problem behaviour, writing and teaching since the early 1990s.