Product Description
Author - Tom Mitchell & Lauren Langman - Producer - Absolute Dogs
So - we know that every one of you has met a Naughty But Nice dog. These dogs lunge, bark, growl, bite or generally look very worried! They may have been termed stubborn, dominant, aggressive, reactive, angry or even evil and downright difficult! These dogs are the most misunderstood dogs in town, and this brought us, as dog trainers, sport competitors, vet and behaviourists, to share the secrets to our success with these dogs. To own an NBN dog as a companion can be seriously testing to that relationship and as a sports dog can be career-ending.
In this DVD, Tom Mitchell and Lauren Langman, share their innovative, completely reward-based and out of the box creative approach to changing both the behaviour of Naughty But Nice dogs and also their long-term emotional responses to things. They arm and empower owners (whether companion dog owners or sports competitors) with the skills they need to really achieve success and long term happiness with their dogs.
In Naughty But Nice they tackle:
being your dogs expert
understanding how your NBN dog learns and harness that forever
understanding canine emotions and how to change them
discovering the unique personality of your dog and how to develop it further
creating calmness!
training a framework to make living with your NBN dog a cinch!
building an optimist and dog that responds positively to everything
being able to manipulate arousal levels
playing games to develop crazy focus and impulse control